I've been lazy.
In all aspects of my life.
I feel like that's been my complaint this past year.
In fact, probably more so along the lines of two years now.
God, I need you.
Not only do I need you,
but I want you.
I want you more than anything else in the world.
I want your love, I want your touch, your comfort, your security, your conversation.
I want you.
You're the only one that I want to spend my life with.
Yeah, sure, you might have somebody for me later down the line to share that desire and passion for you along with me, but until then, I want to strive to show your love in ways that need no words. Your love is overwhelming, it's the best feeling in the world to know that I have you.
You create the best sights, whether it's:
people in love with you,
the beauty of the world around us,
people living their lives for you wholeheartedly,
people showing your love to others,
your love shining through us,
your hand in times of need,
your happiness in times of joy,
You make everything better.
Everything is beautiful even when the tears are falling.
You make life worth living.
Nothing else is worth what you are.
Thank-you for saving me, for saving the world.
And thank-you for my family and the love that I have in my life.
You have blessed me beyond words and for that, I give my life back to you.
Afterall, it never really was my life to live, right?
I gladly hand you the reigns of my life again.
Sorry for taking them away to begin with,
but I had to learn somehow.
I love you.