Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Lord, I'm amazed by You.

"Be still and know that I am God."
This verse is heavy on my heart this week.

It's a struggle I have. I need to learn how to be still and listen. I keep searching for answers, but I don't listen for the response to my questions. I need to learn how to shut it sometimes. Now is one of those times.

Life is so good.

I am so blessed.


Real stuff:
I'm confused, completely.
I feel like I have built a strong concrete wall around me.
I feel as if I'm unsatisfied. All of these great things have been done for me, and yet here I am. Standing ungrateful, unsatisfied. I am striving and desiring to be satisfied again. I know my God is great, so what's stopping me? (This concrete wall that I can't seem to knock down.)
I give advice to people when really I'm saying it to myself, but since I don't want to say it to myself, I say it to others. I need to start writing all of this advice down so I can follow it.
I need to re-read 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 until it's implanted in my head once again.
I want to learn the story of Ezra.
I want to do an in-depth study of 1 (& 2) Peter. I know I want to do a study of 1 Peter, but I guess 2 Peter, too?
I want to feel again. (This concrete wall isn't just in my spiritual walk and life, it's everywhere. I'm numb to so much right now and I am not completely sure why.)
I want to be brave and confident.

Now, since I want all of that stuff, I have to go get it.

Life is golden. Happiness is inevitable.
Be happy. Stay happy.

Everything happens for a reason, even if we don't understand that reason.
Remember: It's God's timing.

"All I need is You."

My Savior, he can move the mountains. My God is mighty to save.

Note to self: I can do it. Don't hesitate, just do. Rejoice always. Pray continually. Give thanks in all circumstances.


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