Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I see the light.

Yeah, I'm getting closer. I am still struggling, and I am nowhere near close, but the good news is that I am trying. I'll make it. Please keep me in your prayers as well as everyone else who is struggling to keep God number one. I love everyone, I need to drop all grudges, and I will. I am going to try to start today, but of course, it will be hard. Pray for that too, please. Thanks <3

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

away, away, away from here i'll be

i am far gone.

i wish i was back. it's a long, hard journey, only because of my own self. My own procrastination, my own lack of self-discipline. I will get through this, I can get through this. God is reaching for me, I just need to grab hold and never let go.