Sunday, December 18, 2011

I see your face, You're beautiful.

It's absolutely amazing how good God's timing and plan is. I just read through a Bible study that perfectly relates to my current situation. I'm struggling to enjoy my job and understanding my purpose there. I've been thinking, "I need to find somewhere I can flourish in God's name, I'm miserable here," while at the same time having the thought that I shouldn't constantly flee to comfort. God doesn't always put us in comfortable places in our lives. Look at Jesus's life for crying out loud. He was hated by so many then put to death on a cross. I feel like going through our trials are so menial when compared to that. "Where is God in all of this? I'm struggling." Well, gee, pretty sure we can look at Jesus's life and be at a complete loss as to how he obeyed through all of that. If it was any of us, a mere human, I'm sure we'd wonder where God was and try to choose a more comfortable lifestyle--occupation, place of work, people we interact with, where we live, the list goes on and on. And yet, here Jesus is setting an example for all of our lives to come. "Even though we walk in the shadows, in the valley of death...we live to know you." Such powerful words. Through everything, we must continue to live for God. We need to see the bigger picture or at least have an understanding and trust that there is a bigger picture. God is bigger than us. Going through the story of David, I'm being convicted and falling more in love with Christ and all he has done. I am so excited to live the life he has for me even though I have no idea what that entails. I believe I will be a leader in some form, I believe that I will help others, but most of all, I know my purpose is to further his kingdom. It's not about the pharisees and the legalities of everything, it's about love, faith, hope, trust and forgiveness. It's living a life to please God because his cause is greater than our own. Even though I'm not happy in my job or with the people, I need to lay my pride by my side and pick up the cross daily. I'm living to further his kingdom, not mine. It is not about me, it never has been and it never will be. Glory be to God. I'm blessed and will fight the good fight. It will be difficult and I cannot do it on my own nor do I want to try. I'm glad to know that I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. He is the great redeemer and the great restrainer. Slow to anger. Quick to love. Pray without ceasing. Give thanks in all things. lovelovehumblecause

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