Thursday, July 12, 2007

myspace blog 2 -03 may 2007

So basically, i love life. everything about it.
i love my family, my job is pretty good, the few true friends i have are amazing....things are seriously spectacular. i am so happy that God has blessed me with so much. i am also glad that i now find my life so wonderful compared to what i thought of it in the past. it is seriously a miracle and i owe it all 100% to God. to anyone who doesn't believe in Him, you can just look at people's lives and realize that He is real, He does work in our lives on a daily basis. the love is unconditional and it makes me smile and be happier than ever. Anytime that things go bad, i just think that it's only a matter of time until things blow over, so why waste time sulking and complaining to everyone about it? praise God in all times, especially those of trouble. Job praised God although so much was taken from him, Job is a great example in the Bible of constant praise. what a role model. we need to make sure that we show everyone love on a daily basis. just whenever you see people, smile at them, see how they smile back and be happy that you could have just improved somebody's day. making other people happy is a great deed. laughter is outstanding, make friends, talk to people, do everything in your power to shine your light for Jesus Christ. He is amazing and deserves all the notice He can get. and every morning and day that you're alive, thank God for that. He is obviously keeping you alive for a specific reason, think about that and don't forget to praise Him for allowing you to wake up all of these days. you never know when your time here on Earth will end, so make sure you live everyday for God. Leave your legacy as a christian, not as a party animal. sure the attention can be nice from those around you if you go out and get drunk or drink, but in the long run, people will be impacted in a positive way by those who live their lives the correct way, not be positively influenced by those who indulge in the evil desires of the world, which do include underage drinking. Also, don't try to hide your sin from people, it will all come out in the long run. Being two different people in two different places isn't the way to be, things just don't work that way. and if you're going to claim the title of a christian, live your life that way ALL the time. not just whenever you want, and don't forget that you're a christian and are supposed to be setting an example for others when everyone else goes out and drinks and parties, i think that we, as christians, should stay that way and not go out and party and drink and smoke and sex. it's not the way Christ intended us to live. especially at this age. and just because God forgives, doesn't mean that people should go out and purposely sin nonstop knowing that God will forgive them later, it isn't nice to take advantage of God like that, or other people. Life is seriously amazing, i hope everyone realizes that and can be happy as can be. definitely for everyone graduating this year, i hope that you all stay positive and live your lives for God, and if you're not currently living your life for Him constantly, it'd be great if you all did. [: God is amazing. He created us for a reason, try your best to fulfill your purpose and live for Him. [:He can seriously make your whole day and life better in ways that are completely amazing, ways that are difficult to believe. God is just that amazing and so is life.

Smile always. [:
Happiness is key. <3

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